
Welcome to The Crooked Camera. TCC officially began in February of 2023 by myself, Justin Crook as a place to share some of my favorite things. Mostly wildlife and nature exploration and photography. My hope is to provide useful information for other photographers, and outdoor enthusiasts as well as to provide entertainment through stories and features. There will also be a selection of articles explaining various aspects of photography to help out beginners a well as more advanced users.

About Me

I am an Idaho native who has spent most of my life outside in one way or another. I do prefer being out in nature as much as possible and photography just tied right in. I love sharing the things I see with others and I love teaching and talking about photography. I am not a gear junkie and so you will not find many articles or reviews on that.

As for photography I began that journey my junior year of high school but it wasn’t until 2013 before I got serious and much more passionate about photography. What kicked that passion off you ask? An owl sighting with my kids set off a chain reaction that changed my life forever.

I hope you enjoy your time spent here and please contact me with any question or comments or even requests for specific content.